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Communities in Bloom logo via rmwb.ca
Communities in Bloom logo via rmwb.ca

The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) is being honored with an award for Plant and Flora displays at the National Communities in Bloom Symposium in Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo.

The RMWB says the award recognizes the efforts of public works staff in beautifying the region through creative displays like decorative canoes and planters.

Local student Selina Cumby received the Claudette Savaria Bursary from Communities in Bloom during the convention. The bursary is awarded to a student enrolled in Environmental and Horticultural studies.

During the four-day event, the Municipality hosted delegates from around the world including as far away as South Korea.

Communities in Bloom have also selected the flower colour of the year. To honour Truth and Reconciliation, the National Communities in Bloom organization has orange chosen as the 2024 flower colour.

As the event host, the RMWB received 2,800 orange tulips donated by the National Capital Commission. The tulips will be shared with rural communities and planted across the region in 2024.